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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Moving on with Episode 5

Well, I have decide to actually NOT do the darvhoten contest thing, until more people enter it. I have been significantly discouraged from entering lately, because "darvhoten" deleted his account and made a new account called "Deadfox777." This new account has almost nothing to do with RCT3, and the new contest video is... well, let's just say that "Deadfox777" is not exactly concerned about making a quality contest video. See what I mean here:

Soooo, quick poll: how many of you would be excited to enter a contest after seeing that video?

Hhhhmmm, I don't see anybody raising their hand. That could be because NO ONE EVER LOOKS AT MY FREAKING BLOG, or it could be because nobody wants to enter the contest after seeing that contest video.

But I digress. My main point is: I'm not that thrilled about entering the contest anymore, and the only reason that I am still considering it is because I said I would enter. I DON'T like to not follow up with what I said, but at the same time I feel like this could be a waste of time. Unless more than a couple people enter this thing, I'm out. Deadfox777, if you read this, seriously: no offense. I am not trying to talk you down at all; I'm just explaining my thinking so that you can understand my actions.

Since I may not be making a contest video, I have been working on MVA Episode 5. No screen shots this time though, I don't want to give away the best parts. Suffice it to say I'm working more with the AFE, and I think it's gonna be pretty freaking sweet.


Anonymous said...

I wasnt even sure what the video that Deadfox777 was about. I couldnt understand what he was saying.

about following your blog, i thought I was going to get email updates when you posted new stuff...... guess not.
Ill be sure to check back here more often.
Keep up the great work HardCore!

HardCore said...

Yeah, I know. I barely understood it myself. Can you see why I don't really want to enter this "contest"?

And thanks SO much! The first comment on my blog! I am very excited!

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