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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Silent November

If you have been checking my blog this November, then you probably have noticed that I haven't posted hardly anything at all this month. Sorry. I have been actively working on things, I just haven't made any posts.

Anyway, things on my agenda for this 25th day in November are getting the glitch up that I mentioned a looong time ago, and working on Mechanics Vs. Aliens (that's usually on my agenda, if you're new). So, hopefully, I can get those things done.

I'm not promising anything (because if I did, then I would be jinxed for sure), but I will say that the glitch is a pretty straightforward thing to film, so it really shouldn't take long and I may have it up tonight.


Anonymous said...

I believe it's spelled jinxed. ;)

HardCore said...

Aha, thanks.

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