background image

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Done with the model

I have finished the replica of the RCT3 Peep who plays the Warrior of Light. Here's a comparison:
The guy on the right was rendered in RCT3, and the guy on the left was rendered in Blender.

Now I just need to texture it, and get it rigged up so that I can animate it. I hope that RCT3 handles the mesh deformation properly. So far I have not deformed any meshes in my tests with animated CSOs. I'm also not sure about UV mapping. In order to get the textures on him properly, I may need to use UV mapping, but I'm not certain if RCT3 supports that or not.... I think it does. And it also probably does support mesh deformation. I just don't know if it supports weight painting, and I don't know whether I will need to weight paint or not.

Anyway, sorry for all the 3D jargon. I'm kind of thinking out loud right now.

In other news, the SCAD Film festival stops accepting entries in 9 days. After that, it will be a week until the winners are notified. So keep crossing your fingers!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Modeling progress

I have now finished the upper body of the model.

Here's a look from one angle:

And from another:

And here's what it looks like when it is overlayed onto one of the reference images that I am using:

I may get to work on it more today... we'll see.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Modeling progress

I've been modeling some more today. Here's how far I have gotten:                                                                                

And of course, I am still waiting for the results to come in from SCAD. I'll find out if I made it on October 15th... a little over half a month from now.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Another short update

Another short day today... I've started modelling the WOL's body, starting with the collar of his shirt.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I got to work on my Warrior of Light model for 5 minutes today. Now he has a neck. Pretty short, I know, but I figured I might as well post something.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Warrior of Light Model

Right now I am smack dab in the middle of waiting for my submission to the SCAD film festival to be judged. In the meantime, I have been making a model of the Warrior of Light, for me to animate and import into RCT3. This of course will be used in The Battle for Axis Mundi.

Here's a screenshot from Blender and a screenshot from RCT3 in a side by side comparison:

Pretty close, eh? I modelled it by hand, based off of reference images that I took in RCT3. So far I have only completed the head, but once the entire thing is finished, I'll be able to import it back into RCT3. It should look exactly the same as the original peep, but since I can animate it, it will be able to kick bad-guy-butt in a spectacular, cinematic fashion.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

SCAD Film Festival

Recently it has come to my attention that Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) is including highschoolers in their film festival this year. They want original film submissions that are no longer than 4 minutes. All you have to do is upload your entry to YouTube and give them a link. There's a whole process where they judge your film and people vote on it and stuff.  I'll focus in on those details later, but for right now I am going to have to do something rather unfortunate. I want to enter Radical Racer's Run in this competition, but I want to submit a more tweaked version, and I don't want to have two different versions of the video on YouTube. That means the current video will come down.

The actual animation has not changed at all. The only difference is in the text. I feel like it needs to be perfect, and right now there are a few spelling mistakes, and the text that is used for the credits does not match at all with the theme of the video, so I am just changing it a little. Unfortunately, this means that all the awesome comments you guys have left will be erased. It also means that the upload date of Radical Racer's Run will no longer be the 3 year anniversary of the Hugest RCT3 Crash on YouTube. Oh well.

On the bright side of things, if I win the SCAD competition, they will pay for airfare and hotel expenses in order for me to come down for the film festival, which would be freaking sweet. I'll post more details about when the results come in later. I also think there's an audience choice section where anyone on the internet can vote, so I'll be sure to let you guys know how to vote for whatever film you like best... hem... ;)

Peace out.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

One shot

I got one shot filmed and edited today. It was another pretty complicated shot. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, but I feel like I should post a picture, just so you can see that I am indeed making something. Recently it's pretty much just been me saying that I have been making stuff, and not showing anything.

So here you go:

Hope you like it.

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