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Friday, May 11, 2012

So far this month

So I got back from school last weekend. It was an incredible year, and I can't believe it is gone already. A couple points of good news.

First: I got the internship at the marketing firm! Huzzah! So, I will be paid, and get to work alongside professional creatives all summer long! Well, all summer starting in June. Pretty awesome.

Second: I've been hacking away at Axis Mundi pretty much every day since I got back. I've been doing camera animation in RCT3 and editing in Premiere. Today I've also been creating new animation in Blender to import into RCT3 so I can film and edit more.

I think the RCT3 camera shots are really cool, and the Flying Camera paths for them look absolutely crazy. Screenshots for ya:
Cameras. Cameras everywhere.

And here's an interesting look into the animation process in Blender. Gotta love them curves.
Bezier curves, to use the proper jargon.

So yeah. I really hope I can steam ahead without losing momentum and knock this thing out. Compared to a few weeks ago I've got all the time in the world, so I ought to be able to do it.

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