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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Here's the glitch

Alright, I got the glitch video up today! This happened when I grabbed one of the camera icons (in the FCR Editor) to try and make the route faster. It's ok if you don't under stand exactly how it happened, the main point is that it made the camera go waaaaaay far away, so far that EVERYTHING'S draw distance was exceeded.

By the way, I filmed this in 720 by 480, (instead of the usual 1024 by 768) to cut down on the filming, rendering, and uploading time. I don't know if anyone will be able to tell, but I just figured I'd say that. I also put in a bit of music that I made for the actual episode.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very interesting.... Im going to have to take a look at this phenomenon.

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