background image

Sunday, November 28, 2010


I have been rigging the Warrior of Light today. He is almost fully rigged and ready to be animated. I just need to do a little more weight painting. I also worked some more on my other assets that will remain a surprise. I don't feel like screenshots, sorry.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

New Blender Video

So, in addition to working on Axis Mundi, I also spent the last few days making my first scene with grass in it. It is also the first scene that I have done which uses multiple layers in blender for compositing. I had to use multiple layers because the "firefly" particles kept getting rendered underneath the grass. So I rendered them in a separate layer and composited them on top of everything else.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Texturing Completed

Woo! The rest of the texturing went by at warp-speed! And I couldn't be happier with how it turned out!

Prepare for awesomeness in 3... 2... 1 AWESOMENESS:

It look so close to the original! I am extremely pleased. Now I just need to finish my other ...secret... assets, and I can start animating some action scenes!!! Yaaaaaaaayyyy!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Completion of the Upper Body

So it turns out that I was a lot closer to finishing the arms than I thought. Now The Warrior of Light's upper body is completely textured. Check it out!

Here's a look at the UV map:

Like I mentioned in my previous post, it's kinda like patchwork. And allow me to take a moment to emphasize the WORK in patchwork. This was definitely a challenge for me, because I had never done any UV mapping before this. There was a lot of editing in Photoshop, then looking back in Blender then editing in Photoshop then.... You kinda get the picture. Anyway, hopefully I'll get better at it and the whole process will speed up a bit.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Patches and Patchworking

Today's title is actually a little inspired compared to the usual, because I spent my afternoon texturing today. UV maps are kinda like patchwork, and I just so happen to be working on a UV map. Unfortunately, progress divided by time is definitely less than one today. I still haven't finished the arms. Once I get some noticeable progress, I might post an updated screenshot. Until then, rest assured that you're not missing much. Just look at the last picture I posted.

The "Patches" portion of today's post deals with Call of Duty: Black Ops. It's been a week since I bought COD 7 for the PC, and I still have not played through more than 10 minutes of the campaign. It's just no fun with the slide-show framerate. I hope that Treyarch will release a patch that ACTUALLY WORKS.



Thank you.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Slow Texturing

I did some more texturing today. Very slow going. Perhaps it is because it is really hard work. Maybe it's because I'm not motivated. Who knows? What matters is that I did what I could today. Tomorrow I might try and work some more on it, but I'm also planning on picking up a copy of COD: Black Ops, so we'll see how things turn out.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blender/Axis Mundi Update

So I got bored enough with making my new model that I started texturing the Warrior of Light again. It is slow going right now, because I am doing the most difficult part of his upper body: his arms. Since his arms are the least flat part of him, it is harder to take a picture and just use it without any editing. It was easier with the chest, for example, because the chest is relatively flat. Another thing that makes the arms more difficult is that they are the least cleanly unwrapped part of my UV texture. This also stems from them being less flat.

As for the fore mentioned "new model," I am still not ready to fully disclose my progress so far. I'm debating on whether or not I should keep it a secret until the final release.

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