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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Correcting a mistake

Hey, I have forgotten to do this for a while, and I just remembered it. The link to the Lazer tutorial that I mentioned a while back was to an .html that didn't have the pictures if you downloaded it. This was a big problem, seeing as how the tutorial relied heavily on the pictures. Luckily, the person who requested the tutorial has already gotten a .doc of it, which will display the pictures correctly. I have just not updated the blog with it until now. Here is a link to the .doc: tutorial.doc

I will update my old post to send you there as well.

One more week of hiatus

Here's a quick lo-down:

I am going out of town one more time, so I won't be getting back to any video projects for a little bit longer. Also, now that LordG1gabyt3's contest is going, I really need to work fast, because I will only have about a month after I get back. Personally I would have done 2 or 3 months as the minimum... But I'll just have to work with what I have got. That also means that I won't be working on MVA ep. 6 until after I get back, and after I finish a machinima for the contest.

In short, more delays. But that's summer for you.

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