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Thursday, March 24, 2011

My new schedule, and Crysis 2

Today I started my new job, so I haven't worked on Axis Mundi. I'm just too tired right now. But I'm not working full time, so once I get in a groove I think I can still be productive at my job and productive with my film making.

AND, in videogame related news... It appears that Crysis 2 does not really look any better than it's predecessor (graphically). Maybe it's unfair of me to say this when I have not actually played it for myself, but judging by the preliminary screenshots of the different graphical settings on PC, there is not really an improvement from the already awesome looks the CryENGINE 2 possess. I'm not totally decided yet on whether or not I should be shaming Crytek or praising them. We will see. If I am convinced to buy Crysis 2, then you will be getting my informed thoughts on the matter. And considering the fact that I almost made enough money to buy it at my job today, it is a very real possibility that I will be playing Crysis 2 in the future. That is of course, after I replay the first installment on my kick-butt desk-note that's the not actually the size of a desk-note that I'll hopefully be getting soon.

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