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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Good News Bad News

Yes, it's that time again. Time to relay multiple pieces of information in succession with the qualifiers of "Good" and "Bad." It's time for...... Good News Bad News!!!!

The bad news is two pronged:

1. I have not worked on Axis Mundi for more than an hour or so since I made my last post this March.

2. I have not yet broken my March Madness post count from last year.

Now, if you are an extreme pessimist, you may be thinking "What sort of news could even COME CLOSE to POSSIBLY offsetting this world-ending, tragic news?" Well, just wait and see. The good news all happened between my last post and now and is 3 pronged:

1. The day after I made my last post, I was able to overcome my musical creative block, and I made some pretty awesome music.

2. I got a job.

3. I found out that I got a full scholarship to college.

See? There was some good news after all.

Yeah. I get to go to college for free. That's pretty awesome, I must say. And what makes it even sweeter, is that I am going to college to study computer animation. This needs to be repeated in italicized, bold font. I am going to college to study computer animation. Basically, what I am doing now as a hobby will eventually become what I will study in school, and even get paid to do after I graduate. I can't really think of better news than that.

1 comment:

L0rdG1gabyt3 said...

Awesome man! Congrats!

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