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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blender/Axis Mundi Update

So I got bored enough with making my new model that I started texturing the Warrior of Light again. It is slow going right now, because I am doing the most difficult part of his upper body: his arms. Since his arms are the least flat part of him, it is harder to take a picture and just use it without any editing. It was easier with the chest, for example, because the chest is relatively flat. Another thing that makes the arms more difficult is that they are the least cleanly unwrapped part of my UV texture. This also stems from them being less flat.

As for the fore mentioned "new model," I am still not ready to fully disclose my progress so far. I'm debating on whether or not I should keep it a secret until the final release.


CZsWorld said...

I say keep it a secret.

L0rdG1gabyt3 said...

Yes, leave it a secret!! But I know something nobody else knows!!! hehe!!

HardCore said...

Lol, yes you do LordG1gabyt3. Thanks for the input as always guys. I was leaning towards keeping it a secret as well.

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