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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Warrior of Light Model

Right now I am smack dab in the middle of waiting for my submission to the SCAD film festival to be judged. In the meantime, I have been making a model of the Warrior of Light, for me to animate and import into RCT3. This of course will be used in The Battle for Axis Mundi.

Here's a screenshot from Blender and a screenshot from RCT3 in a side by side comparison:

Pretty close, eh? I modelled it by hand, based off of reference images that I took in RCT3. So far I have only completed the head, but once the entire thing is finished, I'll be able to import it back into RCT3. It should look exactly the same as the original peep, but since I can animate it, it will be able to kick bad-guy-butt in a spectacular, cinematic fashion.


CZsWorld said...

Wow! This is just incredible HC!

L0rdG1gabyt3 said...

That is going to be SO FRICKIN COOL!!!

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