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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Not for your benefit

There's not really any updates for you. I'm just posting because I haven't posted. I never really plan breaks like this... they just sort of happen. I put off working for a few days, and it turns into weeks, and if I'm feeling particularly lazy, it can turn into months. Like it has recently.

If you were thinking that my lack of posting was because I was just working so hard on a project that I didn't have time to post, then you were the opposite of right. I was just being lazy. As of right now, I'm still not back into the swing of things. But I do hope that doing a blog today will help me start the process of becoming productive again. And that's why I am posting.

If you are somehow under the delusion that this blog is written mainly for your benefit, maybe this post can help you realize why you are so incredibly wrong.

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