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Sunday, May 15, 2011

4 Year YouTube Anniversary

Today I have officially been on YouTube for 4 years. I remember waaay back when I joined all those years ago... I was not necessarily planning on making a ton of videos. At the time I was into making games with Game Maker. It wasn't until I made the "Hugest RCT3 Crash on YouTube" that I really realized I wanted to ditch the game thing and primarily do videos. Man, I'm pretty glad I decided to do that. I just really love to share videos with people. I love hearing feedback. So I'd like to heartily thank every one of you who has engaged any of my videos in any way. If you've ever commented, rated (I guess that now it is "Liked") or even just ever watched any of my videos...

Thank you.

Oh, and here's basically the same sentiment, albeit in video form:

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