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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Radical Racer's Run

I finished editing my Blender animation, and it's rip roaring to go, so go ahead and watch it.....

Done? Hopefully you liked it. I must admit that I really enjoy a lot of aspects of doing CGI in Blender. You have complete control over everything. You can make absolutely anything that you want, and make it do anything that you want. You don't have to try over and over again to nail a shot. The only thing that limits you is... rendering time. The rendering time for this film wasn't all that bad. Most of the time it took between 2 and 10 minutes to render each frame. Near the end, however, something went wrong and rendering took waaaay too long. We're talking 2 hours per frame, just for that red debris at the end. I probably could have fixed it, but oh well. It's all done now.

I just realised as I was writing this that today is the 3 year anniversary of my most popular video, "Hugest RCT3 Crash on YouTube." It's a bummer that "Radical Racer's Run" almost certainly won't even come close to a fraction of the views that the "Hugest RCT3 Crash on YouTube" has.

But who knows? It's possible that this new video could have 85,000 views in 3 years.


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