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Thursday, April 1, 2010


Today has been a lot better than the past few days; I actually feel like I have been making progress. I recorded a few shots and then spent a while editing them. These greenscreens can be tricky. Here's a sample of some of the compositing that I did today:

Step 1: The greenscreen
Step 2: The original video
Step 3: First overlay attempt
Step 4: Greenscreen artifiacts are removed by changing the white balance of the overlay
Step 5: Change lighting to match greenscreened image, add Depth of Field effect, render video.
Step 6: Restore rendered result to original lighting
So there you go, that's your update for April 1st. And it's no April fool's joke (or is it?).


L0rdG1gabyt3 said...

What are you using for your greenscreen?

HardCore said...

I am using the CS set called: "CSF White Set." There is a link for it in this video:

Although, for some of the scenes I also used the laser screens from Klinn's framework set.

L0rdG1gabyt3 said...

The laser screens are the ones I used for the air assault video. I will have to get that set you linked to.... Thanks!

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