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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mechanics Vs. Aliens episode 6 in production

You read the title correctly! (or did you?) Mechanics Vs. Aliens episode 6 is officially in production. Now you can watch the Xfire thingy and keep track of how long I've worked on it! So far I have logged 6 hours. That might not be very incredible, but what I did during those 6 hours is: I recorded the same shot over and over and over again. I recorded it 61 times in a row!!

Now you might be thinking "Wow, that must be a tough shot to get! It took 61 takes?" Well, the fact is that I recorded it 61 times in a row to achieve a very specific effect.
So far as I can tell, this effect has never been performed before. That means I get to make up a name for it! New effect, I shalt dub thee "Terrain Animation."

Yes. Terrain animation. It is pretty much what it sounds like. I am animating terrain. The process, although fairly simple, takes a bit too much time to explain in this one post. I'm thinking about making a topic about it in LordG1gabyt3's RCT3 Machinima forums which you should really check out if you haven't already (It has a new, awesome front page!)

So that's pretty much it. MVA episode 6 is in production and will showcase the first ever (I think) use of terrain animation.

1 comment:

L0rdG1gabyt3 said...

Thanks for the compliment!! I cant wait to see the "Terrain Animation"

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