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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mechanics Vs. Aliens episode 5 is totally finished.

Oooooiiiiii yyyyyeeeeeeaaaaaa!!!!! It's all done. Everything. All the music. All the sound effects. All the video. The credits. The "Hard Core." Mechanics Vs. Aliens episode 5 is, as I type this post, being rendered into a 1024x768 lossless quality .avi file with 5.1 surround sound.

So, the only remaining question is: who will watch it....... FIRST? The answer is: ME!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first first!!!! Wooahahaha! EAT THAT, FOLKS! I saw it FIRST! Ef eYe ArE eS Teee!!!!!

Ok, you can obviously see that I am excited to have this project done. Now I'll give you some statistics on how long it took to make it. I started in about mid-October (close to when I started this blog) and went through November and December, so that means it took me about 2 1/2 months. Now that I think about it, that's not all that bad. Episode 4 took not quite twice as long to make (4 months), and it is not quite twice as long as episode five. (by the way, the final time for episode 5 is 9 minutes and 40 seconds).

I got Xfire around the time when I started filming, and it has on record 99 hours of me playing RCT3. All of that is filming, by the way. It might seem ironic, but I never technically "play" RCT3 anymore. I'm serious. If I'm in it, it means that I am filming something. I haven't used RCT3 for its intended purpose for.... gee, I can't remember the last time that I played it just for fun. The normal game just seemed to get boring after I started making videos.

Anyway, I'll get back on track. Here are the stats in a more organized fashion:

To make MVA episode 5:
2 1/2 months; October through December

99 hours in RCT3

10-30 hours editing (that includes making the music)

9+ times that I have been asked "When/will episode 5 come out?"

Alright, it's getting late, and I need to get to bed. The rendering is still only at 76%. I guess I'll watch it in the morning.

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