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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

New for me, old for... French people?

I just found a really interesting thread. This thread has only one reply. However, this thread also has to do with my machinima tutorials. Which makes it awesome. And in French. Derp... I mean, the thread isn't french because of my tutorials. It just happens to be on a French forum and I decided to mention that last.

This thread is kind of old, but it's new to me so that's why I am posting it. Here's the thread in butchered English a la Chrome:

And here's the French version for those of you who can read it:
Oh, and here's the link:

I love posting stuff about people talking about stuff I've made. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.


CZsWorld said...

That's awesome! I remember how great it felt when I first saw my videos on other websites.

L0rdG1gabyt3 said...

howd ya come across that?

HardCore said...

LG, I can't actually remember how I found this... Haha! I guess that's why I document this sort of thing.

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