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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Back to work

So, since my Christmas vacation is coming to an end, it's time to start working on Axis Mundi again. What I am working on right now is adjusting the brightness of my WOL textures. They look great when I render them in Blender (see here and here) but they are too dark when they are rendered in RCT3 (sorry, no screenshots of that). I am also having a little trouble with my custom animations. Currently, whenever I import something animated, it's size changes to about 3 times what it should be. However, if the model is not animated, then it is the correct size. I have a theory about how to fix this that I will be attempting later today.

In Christmas present news, I got a pair of noise cancelling headphones, and a Blu-ray/DVD of Inception (great film!). I gotta say that I can't actually notice the noise cancelling in my noise cancelling headphones when it is turned on. What I DO notice when I turn it in, is an AWESOME bass boost, and a large over-all increase in the quality of the sound. This is some of the best sound I've ever heard, even outside of headphones. I used them to mull over a rough cut of The Battle for Axis Mundi, and they helped me catch mistakes in the audio that I missed on my computer speakers.

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