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Monday, August 23, 2010

Animation in RCT3

OK, so recently there has been a really big development. I have finally managed to import animated custom scenery into RCT3. This opens up A LOT of potential. I am working on seeing how much I can integrate this new ability into Axis Mundi. I also decided to create a tutorial of exactly how I managed to do the importing. Half so that I can remember, and half because a forum member over at the LG Machinima Community requested it.

Here's the tutorial, if you are interested:

And here is an example of what I have been able to import into RCT3:

It may not look like much now, but I fully intend to blow your mind with some crazy animations later on.

1 comment:

coaster3000 said...

That is absolutely AMAZING MAN!!!!! this might get me back into CSO not sure though BUT ITS AMAZING!

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