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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Greenhouse: Retaliate

So yesterday CD5, a proliferant RCT3 Machinima creator, announced his newest project! It's a sequel to a machinima he released in 2009 called "Greenhouse." The sequel's name is "Greenhouse: Retaliate." Here's the thread about it on LGMC:

I am very excited about this as CD5 always makes great RCT3 films. Greenhouse was one of his best so hopefully the sequel will be even more amazing! This also energizes me to get working harder on The Battle for Axis Mundi. Knowing that others are creating RCT3 movies too makes me want to work more on my film and make it the best that I possibly can!

Here's to RCT3 film making!


L0rdG1gabyt3 said...

Thanks for the shoutout!

For some reason, I am not getting the updates on your blog. I just thought of it today, and now am catching up on 2 months worth!

HardCore said...

That's funny, because I just did the same thing with the past 2 months of your minecraft videos! (Except it wasn't because YouTube didn't notify me about them.)

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