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Sunday, July 31, 2011


Hrmm... Well, I have been critical of CD5's movies in the past, but not because I thought his work was bad! It was because I thought his work was awesome already, but felt it could be even better. Anyway, this was what happened when I tried to comment on the teaser for Greenhouse: Retaliation:

I understand the feeling of wanting to block out negative noise. A while ago I joined the Blender Artists forums, and posted some stuff from Radical Racer's Run. For reasons I cannot understand (perhaps because I mentioned my model was based off of an old computer game?), the first reply was "So what you are saying is that you didn't make anything?"

I was incensed! So I decided to quit Blender Artists immediately, never to return. I just don't need that skeptical of a community. I understand if CD5 feels the same about me, but I still look forward to seeing his machinima!


CZsWorld said...

Yeah same thing happened to me! Yesterday I was trying to leave a comment on the Greenhouse: Retaliation trailer and it wouldn't let me leave the comment because I had been blocked. I thought surely this must be a mistake (in past YouTube Channel layouts the Send Message button has been right above the Block User button, maybe it was clicked by mistake) I sent CD5 a message explaining the problem and asking that he look into it because I was unable to subscribe either, and I do really like his videos.

That was yesterday, so far I haven't gotten a response.

Now that I see that you have been blocked too, it makes me think something suspicious is up.

The first reason that comes to mind is what you mentioned. I think we are both big fans of CD5s work, but I think its safe to say that Backwards and Voodoo Village were not nearly as good as Greenhouse and Paraglider. I'm sure we were both unafraid to voice our opinions on both of those. I always like to tell what I liked along with some constructive criticism. Maybe CD5 just took our reviews too hard, maybe he is trying to make himself look better by only allowing comments of 100% praise.

The other thought that comes to mind is that he is trying to knock down his competition. Since most of his subscribers are probably in it for the machinima, it's possible he doesn't want his fans to see comments from you and I on his videos and lead them away from his channel and towards ours. Conspiracy! It would make some sense considering you and I are the number 1 and 2 spots in RCT3 Machinima respectively, with CD5 coming in at number 3.

Or maybe he is just jealous. Anyways I am interested to get a reply from him and see whats up. You should send him a little something too, see whats going on. Let me know if he says anything too!

HardCore said...

Hhhmmm. The fact that this happened to you too makes me think that maybe it's a side effect of his account getting hacked. Perhaps the hacker added people to CD5's block list and CD5 hasn't gotten around to unblocking them, or doesn't realize that they are blocked.

But if that's the case it's weird that no one else has told him about it... Seems like others would have been blocked like us, and they would have told CD5 and he would have fixed it.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see what it is.

L0rdG1gabyt3 said...

I was able to post a reply... but I guess I'm not as much of a threat as you two.... Ive only released 2/3ds of one movie!

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