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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Looks like it's time for Crysis 2

Looks like I'm totally eating my words now. Crytek is coming out with a DX11 patch. This I knew already. The thing that surprised me was when they released more info about said patch, the list of changes included a high resolution texture pack and real-time reflections. Both of these things are significant improvements that I honestly did not think Crytek would go to the trouble to include. It basically shows that they actually care about the PC market. These are great features that will make the game what it should have been at release. When I heard the news I immediately ordered the game off of amazon. It should arrive Tuesday, one day after the patch.

Great, just more ways for me to procrastinate.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Please don't be mad at me...

Well, my laptop has been gone this week because it's hard drive failed. So I've been getting absolutely no work done while it's been getting it's hard drive replaced. Of course, it's not as though I was getting any work done before this incident, either.

Don't worry about my data, though. I have a complete system image backed up on my trusty external HDD, so I haven't lost a single hour of work.

Basically this doesn't mean anything to you. I haven't lost any progress, and I haven't made any progress. Why am I posting this then? Oh, wait, I went over that already.

Well anyway, I hope you're not mad that I've been in procrastination land this summer. I just haven't felt like working... and maybe that's totally lame and someday I'll realize how lame I am, but for now I feel justified in not beating myself up that I haven't "spent enough time" on my current project. And I hope you aren't mad about that.

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