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Monday, May 3, 2010

Making cuts

I have been making some progress on "The Battle for Axis Mundi." I'm still working on a new pre-action sequence. The total video time is actually getting shorter, which I guess is a good thing, because I am removing long, confusing stuff with short-and-to-the-point stuff. Hopefully that means it will be easier to understand, and more entertaining overall.

Oh, and I got a new monitor. It's sweet.


L0rdG1gabyt3 said...

Glad to hear your making progress. Any chance for a Director's Cut or a b-roll with the extras you removed? That stuff is always fun to watch!

What kind of monitor did you get?

HardCore said...

I got a 19" 1440x900 LCD, to replace the 17" 1280x1024 CRT that I have been using for years. It was passed down to me because my parents got a newer monitor, and gave me this one as a birthday present.

And the old stuff isn't that great to be honest. It's mainly voice overs. It probably wouldn't be worth making a director's cut.

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