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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lots of Stuff

Lots of stuff is going on in my life right now, including preparing to go to college-hopefully to study film and animation. In order to apply to many film schools, I need a portfolio. So, I am currently producing an animation to go in this portfolio. It's not taking long to make, so I'll be back to The Battle for Axis Mundi soon. I am also including clips from Axis Mundi in the portfolio, so I am kinda working on a billion things at once.

If anyone out there has a problem with all of these other projects - specifically, fans of Mechanics Vs. Aliens - then please: I am sick and tired of people whining about it. I can't stand all of the "where's MVA ep. 6?!11?!" comments. If you are truly a fan of the series, could you have a little patience, and just be happy that I have said that I am going to make more? If you can't do that, then please just don't say anything. Thank you.

And now for the few people out there who care about more than just Mechanics Vs. Aliens, here are some screen shots from my animation:

As you can probably tell, it is about a car racing.

That's all for now.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Little by little

I managed to do one line of voice work for Axis Mundi today. I also was figuring out how I wanted the edit to go. It wasn't very much progress, but at least I got to work a little bit on it.

Also, I have recently discovered some really great tutorials for FL studio (the ones that are made by NFX of, that do a great job of explaining the basic elements of music. Since Mixcraft is a DAW just like FL Studio, I have been able to apply the principles from the NFX tutorials to my own music in Mixcraft. I wish that I had found his tutorials earlier, because they have helped me get much more natural sounding music. The result of this is that I have been able to make a really nice sounding song for my Mom, for Mother's day. I guess it's a good thing that she doesn't read my blog, hehe.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Making cuts

I have been making some progress on "The Battle for Axis Mundi." I'm still working on a new pre-action sequence. The total video time is actually getting shorter, which I guess is a good thing, because I am removing long, confusing stuff with short-and-to-the-point stuff. Hopefully that means it will be easier to understand, and more entertaining overall.

Oh, and I got a new monitor. It's sweet.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Progress, and a one-day video

I got to work on the voices for Axis Mundi today. I also filmed a couple of green screened shots, but I have yet to film the backgrounds for all of them.

After all of that, I had time left over to fool around in Blender a little, which is always somewhat educational. You can always learn more about Blender. Anyway, this fooling around resulted in me finally figuring out how to tile textures, and discovering a way to produce a natural-looking sky:

If you ask me, it looks a lot like Crysis. In fact, if I didn't know that it was made with Blender, then I would think that it WAS made in the CryEngine 2.

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