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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Bull in a China Shop

So, it's the weekend, and I've got a lot of stuff going on. I'm really close to finishing Mechanics Vs. Aliens, and I'm also working on a 3d Animation for my internship. The company I'm working for is Bullhorn Creative, and the animation that I am working on for them has to do with a bull in a china shop. Here's the animatic that I used to pitch the idea to them:

Short and sweet. So anyways, today I've been working on the lighting and materials for this animation. Check it out:

Frustrated with Indirect Lighting result
Aha! I had to subdivide my walls

Added my own seamless texture
Adding a displacement map... Whoa nelly!!

Set the displacement amount to a sane level, also changed the floor and ceiling to white.

So, the set for my animation is coming along nicely, and it's going to be an awesome portfolio piece when the whole thing is finished. And fact that I am doing this work for a real-world branding firm will strengthen my portfolio even more.

Now that I've worked on that, I'm going to try and finish MVA this weekend.

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