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Monday, November 14, 2011

Storyboards and Photoshop

Unfortunately I have not actually filmed anymore for Axis Mundi since the last post, but I did work on it in a sort of round-about way. I had an assignment to sketch a 16 panel story board, so I sketched the scene that I am about to animate.

I also finished a project for one of my classes recently, where I had to replicate a photograph using collage techniques. There was an option to do it in photoshop, so that's what I did. The images on the left are my replications, and the ones on the right are the original pictures.

Notice the trees? They're from Crysis 2.

This second one is purely Google images.

There you go. That's what I've been up to lately. As usual, I need to get back on track and work more on Axis Mundi more often.

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