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Thursday, October 6, 2011

The return of the Titanicus

So my laptop was returned to me on Monday, presumably with a new graphics card (Is there really anyway to know if it is a different one or not?). I'm really glad that it is back. The keyboard is so much easier to use. It's tactile feedback is insanely superior than the keyboards in the public lab. Oh, and editing in Premiere on my laptop is smoother than on the desktop workstations that my University provides. Yeah. It's an awesome laptop. That's why I named it "Principio Titanicus." (Don't ask me what that means, I just thought it sounded awesome.)

Anyways, hopefully I'll be able to work on Axis Mundi stuff more this weekend. Pretty small update, I know, but I just realized today that I hadn't made a post about my laptop being back.


CZsWorld said...

Does it float?

HardCore said...

I would assume not, but I have NO intentions of finding out for sure! Hehe.

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