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Sunday, July 31, 2011


Hrmm... Well, I have been critical of CD5's movies in the past, but not because I thought his work was bad! It was because I thought his work was awesome already, but felt it could be even better. Anyway, this was what happened when I tried to comment on the teaser for Greenhouse: Retaliation:

I understand the feeling of wanting to block out negative noise. A while ago I joined the Blender Artists forums, and posted some stuff from Radical Racer's Run. For reasons I cannot understand (perhaps because I mentioned my model was based off of an old computer game?), the first reply was "So what you are saying is that you didn't make anything?"

I was incensed! So I decided to quit Blender Artists immediately, never to return. I just don't need that skeptical of a community. I understand if CD5 feels the same about me, but I still look forward to seeing his machinima!

Greenhouse: Retaliate

So yesterday CD5, a proliferant RCT3 Machinima creator, announced his newest project! It's a sequel to a machinima he released in 2009 called "Greenhouse." The sequel's name is "Greenhouse: Retaliate." Here's the thread about it on LGMC:

I am very excited about this as CD5 always makes great RCT3 films. Greenhouse was one of his best so hopefully the sequel will be even more amazing! This also energizes me to get working harder on The Battle for Axis Mundi. Knowing that others are creating RCT3 movies too makes me want to work more on my film and make it the best that I possibly can!

Here's to RCT3 film making!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Modelling Minutiae

I still haven't gotten the model imported into RCT3 to test it. I kept finding little things I wanted to perfect and that took up all my time. Not a bad problem to have if you ask me, because it ended up in me improving the model.

Oh, and for some reason I'm compelled to vocalize my gratitude for my awesome chiclet keyboard and laser mouse that I am using to create this blog post. I am blessed with stuff that I totally don't deserve for reasons that I don't understand.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mysterious Silhouette

Got to model some more today. I'm going to import what I have so far into RCT3 so that I can get a feel for what it looks like in the game engine. After I rig it, that is. I haven't textured yet; I want to make sure I like how the mesh deforms before I go to a bunch of trouble getting the UV mapping just right.

And now you get to see a small preview of this model that I have been working on for all this time:

Yeah, I know, you can hardly see anything at all, but I still don't want to give away the best parts of the film before it's done. I would suggest clicking on the image to view it in fullscreen. You should be able to make out more of the mysterious silhouette that way. Hope you like it!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

One of those

You know those posts where I say a bunch of words but none of them ever tell you anything at all besides the fact that I am alive and working but who knows when the heck I'll be done? Yeah. This is one of those. Well, here it goes:

I've been working on The Battle for Axis Mundi today. Mainly modelling. Nope, sorry, not gonna give you any screenshots.

That was it. Congratulations, you may in fact be reading the most uninteresting blog in the universe.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Actually trying to make progress

Continued getting ready to proceed with filming today. I.E. getting RCT3 files onto my laptop that I need for filming. Of course, that didn't take very long; my main obstacle is still modelling. Soon, though, I might start texturing! Yes, it's getting that close! And after I finish modelling, texturing, and rigging I'll start animating the most important scenes in the film! Huzzah!

But for the rest of today I will be working at my regular job :(

Oh and I had a great vacation last week. That's why there weren't immediate updates after I said I was actually working :D. Yes, I'm actually going to start working now!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Back on track

Today I started working again. I think I was subconsciously waiting until I played Crysis 2. Now that I've gotten in all the game playing that I was anticipating, I can hopefully spend at least a portion of every day being productive.

Today I was primarily modeling. Actually, I was exclusively modeling. Why I correct statements like that with another sentence when I could just replace the original text is beyond me.

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