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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Finally the Finale of the Film Festival Fiasco

Alright! The big news is in! Actually it has been for a week, but I was too lazy to post about it until now. I did not win the High school category of the Highbridge Film Festival. The aggravating thing to me is that I do not know who did win. If it is the film I think it is, then I am kinda annoyed, but if it is a better film that I have never heard of before, then I am happy.

Anyway, I am still happy I was able to enter, and I think next year I might even try to rock some socks by entering a Machinima, *gasp* instead of traditional live action (which I found out that I suck at). If you are curious, the engine that I think I might use to cause such a ruckus is the CryEngine 2 (or Crysis, whichever term you prefer). I think that I would be taken more seriously if I used it, seeing as how it looks much more realistic, and I think it might have a tad more potential than RCT3.

But anyway, that is a long way off. Exactly one year, in fact, because today is the day of the Film Festival!! And even though my film didn't make it, my sister is in one of the college films that did!! So I do have something to look forward to after all. Now I just need....

"HardCore7777777 continued to make films for the rest of his life, and lived happily ever after. The End."

Wow. That would make one twisted childrens' book.

1 comment:

L0rdG1gabyt3 said...

At least you tried. Congrats to your sister!

The CryEngine has tons of potential! I look foward to see what you can do with it. If you need another person let me know, I will get the game.

I am considering doing something with perhaps the GTA4 engine. Talk about some serious potential for a drama!

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