1. I am STILL working on my script
2. The Highbridge film festival's cut off date for submitting films is April 14th
3. There are more RCT3 machinimas cropping up.
I'd like to elaborate on each of these subjects, except number one, which... doesn't really need to be elaborated upon. Anyway, not only has the film festival's cut off date been announced, but they have an entire new website to go along with it. Check it out here.
I also realized something that I said in an earlier post was wrong. I don't know how I got the idea into my head that the Highbridge Film Festival was an international film festival. In reality, it is limited to students at Asbury College (and high-school students). Sorry for that misinformation.
So, about the RCT3 machinimas. I guess I'll make a list of some that have come up recently (including one that I have mentioned before).
In reality, there are a few more than these. I am highlighting these because they all have something in common... a certain theme. It's all "us vs. them" machinima, eerily similar to Mechanics Vs. Aliens. I bring this up is because even though I want to inspire people to make RCT3 machinima, I want them to create something truly unique. Something from their own imagination. Just because one formula works out well for one person doesn't mean you have to copy their formula to be successful. Unfortunately, in the realm of all machinima, (outside RCT3) There is a truly MASSIVE amount of videos, and would-be "series" that all have a common ancestor (and no, I don't believe in evolution). That ancestor would be Red vs. Blue. It would be a shame to see a stagnant pile of lame, copycat series of Mechanics Vs. Aliens, just like Red vs. Blue. It's cute at first, but... seriously. Don't let it happen.
I would like to point out that there is a serious irony to all this. In the very, very, teeny tiny beginning, Mechanics Vs. Aliens was itself a rip-off/spoof/emulation of Red vs. Blue. Hence the "us vs. them" theme. However, I feel that it has taken it's own independent style over time, and is not currently a spoof of anything.
Ok... that was a serious tangent. I hope that you get what I mean.
You tell them! Get an original idea.
I have a great new idea for some machinima. Its very original. Heres a quick plot.... One day some mechanics are traveling through space when they crash land on an alien planet. The aliens attack the mechanics and then some other stuff happens.
What do you think? Im gonna call it Aliens Vs. Mechanics....
Well, I don't want to burst your bubble L0rdG1gabyt3...
But that idea sounds retarded.
Of course you know im being sarcastic.
After IMPACT is done, i have a few ideas for a machinima series... no aliens, no mall cops, no pandas, no mechanics...
Of course you are being sarcsatic.
But if that was actually the first time I heard that, then I probably WOULD say that it was retarded. I mean... it does sound kida wierd.
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