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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sorry people

Well.... eh. I know I have said to at least one person that Mechanics Vs. Aliens episode 5 would be the next thing to be uploaded, but I haven't entered a contest in a while, and davrhoten just put up a contest video in which he mentioned me. He said (reffering to me) at roughly 4:20 in this video:

"...he might actually do a couple scenery items of, coasters crashing. That would be funny,"

I thought that was pretty funny how he thought of crashes when he thought of me, and I also figured it would make him happy the more people entered, so I will most likely be making some sort of park video that has something crashing in it, along with a few normal coasters and things to meet the contest requirements.

I hope this doesn't take very long, I really don't want to put off MVA episode 5 any longer, but this looks like a fun opprotunity. Se la vie.

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