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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

You know, that thing where...

Yesterday I did that thing where I start and finish a short video project within one day. This is kind of for a school project. It was basically a proof of concept, showing that I can animate character designs based off of a single still Photoshop file. I basically isolated the parts of the character that I wanted to animate from the Photoshop file, and then mapped them onto identically shaped flat-planes, which I rigged up to be animated with an armature. All of this was done in Blender.

I have to say... I wish that I could find it in me to work as hard and as fast on The Battle for Axis Mundi as I did on this. I really just got down to business... even though it took, literally, all night. I finished rendering out the final animation at 7:55am, just in time to leave and go learn about Photoshop. Hahaha. When I describe it like that, I realize how much I love being in college and studying Digital Media.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

A YouTube Milestone

So, I just realized today that I am now the owner of a YouTube video that has been viewed over 100,000 times. That's right, it's taken more than 4 years, but "Hugest RCT3 Crash on Youtube" has finally broken the hundred thousand barrier.

Unfortunately, I haven't got much to report on Axis Mundi. Just keep your hopes up, and I'll try to do the same. I'm going to finish it somehow.

Monday, February 6, 2012

What's new?

So, January was a horribly slow month. What's new? That's what it is like every single year. I have worked some this February, though. A few frames here, a few frames there. I guess it is coming along.

Don't you like them super-short posts?

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