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Sunday, January 4, 2009

An.............. update.

Alright everyone, I haven't posted anything recently because I have been enjoying my Christmas presents too much (the best of which is an Nvidia 512MB 9800GT, which runs Crysis quite nicely on high). But now it is time to start thinking about my next project.

I mentioned the Highbridge Film Festival in an earlier post, but I guess I'll talk about it some more. It is a film festival held at Asbury College, and I think it is technically international, but it's not like you get people entering from Canada or new Zealand or anything. Anyway, I am planning on submitting a film for the high-school category. The festival is mainly College films, though; there is only one high-school film that is shown to the audience. That film is the winner. So, that means that whatever I enter may not even be shown, but... whatever. I'm still entering. And even if my film doesn't make it, you'll be able to see it on YouTube.

So, that's pretty much it. I still have yet to think of a brilliant, visionary idea, much less begin writing a script. Nonetheless, I will try to get the ball rolling on this soon.

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