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Sunday, November 30, 2008

RCT3 Machinima is on the map

Today I searched, as I do many days, for "RCT3 Machinima" on youtube. Usually the resulting list is fairly small, consisting mainly of RCT3machinimas that me and a few others have made. It is pretty rare for me to find a new RCT3 Machinima.

But today was a little different. Today, when I started to search for RCT3 machinima, it was a suggested search term.

Check out the proof.

Oh yeah baby. Sweetness.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Building a new set for Mechanics Vs. Aliens

I am moving into a new phase with Mechanics Vs. Aliens episode 5. I'm building a new set, which is a city that is kind of on the coast, and kind of like New York City. In fact, when I originally started building it, it was supposed to be NYC, but now it will just be a generic skyline with a beach next to it, and a slightly suburban area behind.

Here are some screen shots:

The skyscrapers and office buildings.

A long shot of the skyscrapers.

A small park area by the sea/lake/bay (I'm not sure which of those it should be).

A long shot with the beach on the right, and the skyscrapers in the background.

Looking past the trees toward the watery expanse.

I'm sorry that a lot of these had the graphical user interface in them. I was trying to use Solo play to get the screenshots, but I kinda messed it up in some of them.

The only real problem I have been having so far is that the skyscrapers make the game go slower than a turtle with it's feet glued together, pulling a Boeing 747 full of fat people up Mt. Everest. Think about that for a minute. Want to know what that is in frames per second? 



ZERO Frames per second. 

Ok, to be technical its not ACTUALLY 0 frames per second. (If it was, then the game would stall on the same frame forever. And it doesn't do that.) That's just what my Xfire FPS counter says; I am assuming it is really more like 0.25fps or 0.1fps or something, and it is just being rounded down by the counter, which only displays non-decimal frame rates.

Anyway, since it is totally impossible to work in>1fps conditions, I have to do everything with the building draw distance set to zero. Doing that makes the frame rate normal for me.

I hope everyone likes these screenshots, I'll post more once I have made significant progress.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, not much going on with me right now, ecxept turkey. And sweet potatoes. And mashed potatoes. And corn. And cremed corn. And honey rolls. And cranberry sauce. And chess pie. You get the idea.

I really don't have any news. My main reason for writing this is to keep me used to posting so that when there IS news, I'll be used to making blog posts about it.

So just go eat. Then sleep.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Here's the glitch

Alright, I got the glitch video up today! This happened when I grabbed one of the camera icons (in the FCR Editor) to try and make the route faster. It's ok if you don't under stand exactly how it happened, the main point is that it made the camera go waaaaaay far away, so far that EVERYTHING'S draw distance was exceeded.

By the way, I filmed this in 720 by 480, (instead of the usual 1024 by 768) to cut down on the filming, rendering, and uploading time. I don't know if anyone will be able to tell, but I just figured I'd say that. I also put in a bit of music that I made for the actual episode.

Silent November

If you have been checking my blog this November, then you probably have noticed that I haven't posted hardly anything at all this month. Sorry. I have been actively working on things, I just haven't made any posts.

Anyway, things on my agenda for this 25th day in November are getting the glitch up that I mentioned a looong time ago, and working on Mechanics Vs. Aliens (that's usually on my agenda, if you're new). So, hopefully, I can get those things done.

I'm not promising anything (because if I did, then I would be jinxed for sure), but I will say that the glitch is a pretty straightforward thing to film, so it really shouldn't take long and I may have it up tonight.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

A cool test video by LordG1gabyt3

I was pretty surprised this morning, when I saw that LordG1gabyt3 (aka jabamklug on youtube) had completed and uploaded a visual effects test that he had been working on Friday night. He used a greenscreen, along with custom scenery of an airplane (from a top gun CS package, I believe) and achieved a really cool effect. See what I mean below.

I was chatting with him over Xfire when he made this last night, and made a few suggestions, which must be why he put me in the credits (that was very flattering, thank you LordG1gabyt3).

In other news, I stumbled across a really wierd (but cool) glitch in the FCR editor on Friday, I'll try and get something up, either a video or screenshots, to let you see what it was.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Does anyone have problems viewing this blog?

A couple of my computers at home can view my blog fine, but one of them has a solid green background instead of my intended panoramic RCT3 background. Let me know if you have any problems similar to this, or anything else, and I'll do my best to fix it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Some non-spoiling snapshots

Here are a couple of screenshots I took today while working on Mechanics Vs. Aliens. I tried to take them from angles that wouldn't give too much away.

I hope you like these!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Moving on with Episode 5

Well, I have decide to actually NOT do the darvhoten contest thing, until more people enter it. I have been significantly discouraged from entering lately, because "darvhoten" deleted his account and made a new account called "Deadfox777." This new account has almost nothing to do with RCT3, and the new contest video is... well, let's just say that "Deadfox777" is not exactly concerned about making a quality contest video. See what I mean here:

Soooo, quick poll: how many of you would be excited to enter a contest after seeing that video?

Hhhhmmm, I don't see anybody raising their hand. That could be because NO ONE EVER LOOKS AT MY FREAKING BLOG, or it could be because nobody wants to enter the contest after seeing that contest video.

But I digress. My main point is: I'm not that thrilled about entering the contest anymore, and the only reason that I am still considering it is because I said I would enter. I DON'T like to not follow up with what I said, but at the same time I feel like this could be a waste of time. Unless more than a couple people enter this thing, I'm out. Deadfox777, if you read this, seriously: no offense. I am not trying to talk you down at all; I'm just explaining my thinking so that you can understand my actions.

Since I may not be making a contest video, I have been working on MVA Episode 5. No screen shots this time though, I don't want to give away the best parts. Suffice it to say I'm working more with the AFE, and I think it's gonna be pretty freaking sweet.

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